srijeda, 17. studenoga 2010.

Senata Fox, Leeachfeast @ PODRUM, 20.11.

This is out final show for this year. After i don't know how many up's and down's or general non interest in diy hardcore punk we must take a brake and relax a bit from this glorious shit hole that we call PODRUM. For this occasion we have 2 very very blasting bands.

Senata Fox is hailing from Zagreb/Kasina/Rijeka and are well known for balkan audiences with their fierce and trashy hardcore punk. Existing more than 10 years, with a lot of releases and destroying Rijeka for the fourth time if i remember right.

With them Leechfeast from Slovenia are about to snap. It is a new bend formed in demise of almighty Melete but with a slightly different kind of music. This time boys play a solid combination of crust influenced sludge which sounds amazing. In the process of releasing their first ever cassette and before the small tour they gonna rip it out here.

Entrance : 25 kn
Start : 22 h

After the gig, some good old music and general drunkenness in the living room.


Nakon brdo i brdo koncerata došlo je i vrijeme za zadnji koncert ove godine u PODRUMU. Razloge treba tražiti u nekim novim idejama i malom odmoru od svega. No dakako to ne umanjuje vrijednost ovih nadolazećih bendova.

Senata Fox dolaze iz Kasine/Rijeke/Zagreba i u desetak godina postojanja ovo im je vec cetvrti nastup u Rijeci. Dobro poznati, vrlo usvirani rokaju prljavi hc punk samo za nas te divne subotnje noci.

Leechfeast su novi bend kojeg čine članovi nekadašnjih Melete. Dobro poznata lica u nasoj konobici imaju novu kombinaciju koja se kreće prema krast panku novije škole i slađu dovoljno masnom da poželimo dolazak sotone. U procesu snimanja prvog izdanja i prije turneje, uništavaju vlasništvo samo tak...

Ulaz : 25 kn
Start : 22 h

Hrane i cuge će biti, u dnevnom rokanje uz hitove i ostalo je povijest.

ponedjeljak, 8. studenoga 2010.

Katma // Impurita @ PODRUM, 14.11. (nedjelja)

Nakon koncerta na antiFA festu u Puli, povodom male turneje po ex -Yu u Rijeku dolaze dva benda iz susjedne nam Srbije. Stilski dosta različita ali i dalje vrlo interesnatna:

Katma: svira brzi trešerski hardkor sa političkim tekstovima. U ovom bendu su mnoga lica koja su već svirala po raznim DIY bendovima. A kako zvuce u ovom projektu poslusajte te prosudite sami.

Impurita: također iz Srbije, ali ovoga puta u nesto drugacijem aranzmanu. Riječ je o new breed alternative metalu kakav je bio popularan krajem 90'-tih. Hip hop, brejkovi i ludilo...

Upad: 25 KN

Start: 21 h

Vidimo se


So two bands from serbia are gonna rip it out next sunday. After whole lotta fun on Anti Fa fest in Pula, we are proud to announce that Katma and Impurita are gonna play to destroy that special night. Bloody sunday if you ask me..

Katma is fierce and powerfull hardcore punk full of political appraoch . Impurita on the other side is hip hop induced metal. Just like we all loved on the end of the century. I can say that i was into that thing around ordrinary school. Should be interesting...

Entrance: 25 kn

Start: 21 h

See ya in the pit...

nedjelja, 31. listopada 2010.

Ogni Giorno @ PODRUM, 4.11. (četvrtak)

Iako prvobitno najavljen za 1.11. zbog nepredvidljivih problema, koncert je prebačen za 4.11. četvrtak, kao odmor od svih silnih helovin peripetija i slavlja. U četvrtak su dakle sa nama Ogni Giorno iliti svaki dan malo skrimo pank buke.

Upad : klasičnih 20 kn
Start : 22 h

Vidimo se…


Another Italian stallion ready to punch out all fake halloween party kids in a bang. Ogni Giorno is a fierce screamo punk from Italy on their first ever tour. They have been compared to well famous french and italian scramo scene, but since we don't really have knowledge of it beside Charlie who is dead drunk somewhere; we must trust the others and believe that this is gonna be true and amazing punk rock show.

20 kn
22 h

Be there or be square

srijeda, 20. listopada 2010.

IL Disagio

After one canceled gig, we have another treat for you. This time we gonna d beat you in the finest tradition. Il Disagio are coming from Italy, on their second EU tour this year. Expect a healthy dose if cool dis rhythms, just as we all love it. Fast and brutal in every possible way.

Entrance : 20 KN
Start : 22 HPotpuno obostrano poravnanjeFood : will be served


Utorak 26.10. i PODRUM za vas priprema večer talijanskog krast panka. Il Disagio su d beat krast prvoborci, koji nakon manje turneje po zemljama EU dolaze i u naše krajeve. Zvukom na tragu onoga što sviraju danas mnogi, no ipak sa mnogo energije samo za vas u 22 sata po lokalnom vremenu.

Ulaz : 20 kn
Start: 22 h
Hrana: sve mi se čini neki restani sa povrćem
Vidimo se...

nedjelja, 10. listopada 2010.

Sutrašnji koncert - OTKAZAN ! ! !

Koncert najavljen za ponedjeljak, 11. listopad je otkazan! Razlog, kvar kombija u Genovi od strane Burux Lee i Humilitate ekipe.

Bez obzira na sve, peglanje se nastavlja. Slijedeći koncert je najavljen za dva tjedna, točnije, utorak 26. listopad. Dolaze nam IL DISAGIO iz Italije.

Nove najave, plakati i ostalo stiže u nadolazećim danima/tjednima.

ponedjeljak, 4. listopada 2010.

Punk hollidays @ PODRUM 9.10. and 11.10.

Fuck yeah, the blasphemy and noise still continues. In the beginning i think i must said that this will be one long fucking weekend starting on saturday and all the way till tuesday (if you count hangovers, day offs etc).

First of all, on 9.10. around 22 it is time for the fourth concert of almighty dual core drum n bass norwegians called La Casa Fantom. They celebrate 10 years in the best possible way: to do gigs all around EU. As a support, this time we provide promising young slovenians called Human Host Body . Our pirates play black metal and sludge influenced crust, although you can find a shitload of other influences coming from both metal and punk. Quite original if you ask me

Entrance : 25 KN
Start : 22 h
Food : we gonna prepare something wicked this time

Then on monday two days after, we have some ETA fighting bastards all the way from Basque country. Burux Lee are gonna play classic pure Bruce Lee style old school hardcore punk. Their friends from Humilitate on the other hand play hardcore punk but with a healthy dose of thrash metal, being the first ever crossover band to play that kind of punk in the shithole. I am happy to say this coz' I've been to a lot of that bands these days.

Entrance: 25 KN
Start: 21.30


Pank vikend u Podrumu, pa krenimo redom :)

Otkako je krenuo Podrum, La Casa Fantom posjećuju Rijeku po četvrti puta. Time svakako dobivaju krunu kao najvrijedniji i dakako kućni bend, iako dolaze iz daleke Norveške. Za one koji ne znaju radi se o vrlo vrijednom dual core drum n bass bendu, koji žanrovski šara sa mnogim izdancima panka. Ovaj puta sa njima sviraju slovenci Human Host Body, bend koji također rado ubacuje štošta u svoj zvuk. Reći ćemo da tu ima dovoljno krast panka, blek metala i slađa da bude vrlo zanimljivo svakome.

La Casa Fantom - evil drum n bass :
Human Host Body - blackened crust/sludge :

Upad : 25 kn
Start: 22
Večera: nikad bolja, brdo raznih delicija za donaciju

I onda nakon norveških drum n bass prvoboraca i slovenskih blek krast pirata, u ponedjeljak navecer dolaze 2 odlična baskijska benda. Burux Lee svira old skul hardkor pank, dolaze iz oaze Zarautza a sa sobom vode i Humilitate, totalno crossover ludilo kao u najboljim danima kada su treš metal i hardkor pank postali jedno (čitaj DRI,SOD itd).

Burux Lee - opaki old skul :
Humilitate - treš metal hardkor:

Upad : 25 kn
Start: 21.30
Hrane ‘ko kenje :)

četvrtak, 23. rujna 2010.

Rotten Brats @ PODRUM, 29.9.

If every concert was fun and good as last two we would probably be the most happy ones on this small fucked up place called earth. In the beginning i will write just few thoughts on the last show. Day started as usual, cooking, drinking, smoking...passing out gently (hehe you wish). Shoyu Squad was first that evening and it was much fun. They fit somewhere in between Bombenalarm and Burial. A little trouble with a bass amplifier but all in all a intense gig. Boredom was next. Last time i saw them, they rocked out but now they have turned into a real powerhouse. Rocking neocrust feed on His Hero Is Gone and Monster. Three manic vocals. Amazing. Did i mention : crowd went berserk. :) Alpinist were the last. I mean, for me they sounded ok, but all i all nothing special. Way overpriced if you ask me.

Now something completely different. On 29.9. we have new guests hailing from Czech Rep. called Rotten Brats. They play fierce hardcore trash mayhem and gonna rip out your shreds easily.

Entrance : 20 kn
Start: 22 h

Još malo češke bestijalnosti, samo tjedan dana nakon najopakijeg provoda usred tjedna. Ovoga puta krlju prže izrazito talentirani Rotten Brats iz Češke, zemlje općeprihvačenih prebrzih bendova.

Rotten Brats :
Upad: 20 Kn
Start : 22 h

Infoshop Škatula
Last FM

utorak, 14. rujna 2010.

Boredom, Alpinist, Shoyu Squad @ PODRUM, 21.9.

Last week Pavilionul32, really had it going. Non stop fastcore violence just as they can play it. It was so good, for me one of the best gigs so far. Nice friendly atmosphere with good political approach to hardcore blasphemy. What can i say more, we already miss you guys so much. There is no video from this show, which is lame if you ask me but life goes on.

On 21.9. We will host three nice and promising acts. Let's start as usual:

Boredom : is from Austria. They have destroyed previously with Plague Mass, two summers ago. Still i remember like it was yesterday. Good quality neocrust with some kind of rocking vibe.

Shoyu Squad
: German hardcore punk, with kinda Bombenalarm feeling, at least for me. Shares some members with Ruins.

Alpinist: Also from Germany. Also a band everyone talks about right now. We will see if they are that good :) Expect a healthy dose of down-tempo influenced neocrust.

Entrance : 25 kn
Start: 21 h
Food : will be served

U tmurnoj noci, toga gadnog utorka PODRUM je uzeo na duznost da pogosti i ubije decibelima sve prisutne. Slucajnost ili ne, cak tri strana benda na turneji su odlucila odsvirati za vas :

Shoyu Squad :
Ovi agresivni, ovisni o soja sosu nijemci krlje samo takav hardkor treš.

Alpinist :
Njihovi sunardnjaci, ali zvukom drugačiji. Neo krast sa mnogo skrimo i ostalih utjecaja.

Boredom :
Ravno iz Graza, na malom HR turu. Rokerski hardkor krast.

Upad : 25 kn . (nesto vise nego inace, ali mnogo ljudi, mnogo bendova, mnogo putnih troskova)
Start : 21 sat. Da svi stignu pogledati sve
Hrana: ono klasika. tko stigne ne gine mu prđenje nakon.

Vidimo se

petak, 3. rujna 2010.

Fast punk tornado @ Podrum, 9.9.

Ho ho, summer is dead, new season is about to start. We are back with a bang and nothin' can stop us. Yeah, sure... So for the fresh and fast new start we bring Pavilionul32, a romanian fast hc punk which played here few years back. Also during their EU tour. What can i say more : expect quality politically inspired punk, rooted in bloody reality of post transitional east countries.

Entrance : 20 kn
Dinner: will be served
Start: 21 h
Last FM

Nakon ljetnog odmora od nemogućih DIY aktivnosti, PODRUM ponovno otvara svoja mala pomalo zagušljiva vrata uz jedan od najagilnijih rumunjskih bendova koji zapravo neumorno odlazi na turneje i rastura sve pred sobom. Rijec je o Pavilionul32, brzoj hardkor pankčini ravno iz Temišvara. Dakako sve pocinje u 21, za najbrze ce biti i neke hrane, a upad klasicnih 20 kn.

subota, 17. srpnja 2010.

petak, 9. srpnja 2010.

nedjelja, 4. srpnja 2010.

A fast end...

After all these concerts, it is time to say hello to summer, to punk festivals and generally to relax. It's been really a while since i posted something. First of all, lazybones is middle name from me, and after all don't you all love when charlie aka Zmajeee makes fierce gig announces. After all, he is skilled little grind fella.

Since july is a month when majority of us must pass exams and become a part of society, we all gather around on that sunny and face melting friday the second in front of national theater, where no life dwells, and where sea gulls kill pigeons on regular basis. In line up of me, Crustafari, Manager, Depressive, Anna, and Mare which is a guest from cold darkness of Zagreb empire (also a member of Riot Squad Folka, like our dear Crustafari). We got some food from local shop, which we always support :) Also i went to get some cheap, but really good bread form close bakery. For the price of two euros i got, two bags of bread. Nice one if you ask me.

Day was passing bay. Depressive was making stew, Manager was relaxed in it's own way, Crustafari was making fat bastards, Anna chilling, Mare melting from the sun, and me being lame as usual. In some point almighty Summoggu showed up, sXe warrior too.They didn't get us ice cream as planned. But skip the shitty situations, band's have arrived.

Dinner was served around 20 for our czech comrades. There was nice vegan meal, two different kind's of salad, bread and beers. Gig was about to start around 22. First of all there was Lycantrophy, a fast and furious hc grind tornado coming to represent their first full length in years of thrashing around. Triple vocals, manic speed, 20 something songs, and Manager shouting : ˝ I hate bis ! ˝ Fucking nice. After that, Prumyslova Smrt was about to start. They have also ferocious speed but more on the thrash side of things. But one thing was ruining the set. Bass string broke up, so the bass player was quickly rearranging the chords, but after few more songs everything was done. Nice party atmosphere in the crowd which was full of new faces. Crustafari had some difficulties on the paying bills but Crust Messiah gave him strenght to do it.

After party continued in living room above. I was dead drunk, moshing to Municipal Waste and Toxic Holocaust with some czech bastards. They also had few bottles of hard rum, made of potatoes. We did some fast bastarda again and again, Charlie was rapping to folk tunes, and all other had toydolls deal with some green sun glasses coming all the way from penisola Istria. A hell of a night. Around 03 we all passed out, drunken and drugged from all the shit.

So as you can see, it was a fun gig. I really have so many great words to tell not just for this show but for the last few show which were all to great to forget. Also thanks to everyone who still support diy activities in PODRUM, others can piss of. Right, that's it. Until next concert, see you all in the pit. Now, i will return to my daily depression.

Some pics from the show : Lycantrophy and Prumyslova Smrt, 2.7. 2010.

Infoshop vegan stew: a classic
Lycanthropy 1.
Lycanthropy 2.
Lycanthropy 3.
Prumyslova Smrt 1.
Prumyslova Smrt 2.
Prumyslova Smrt 3.
P.S. Some videos will fallow...soon...

subota, 3. srpnja 2010.

Strong as Ten + Koenigstein Youth live @ podrum

While we are waiting for some nice report(s) with cool photos from our vinyl lunatic with "S" t-shirt, here are two more videos just for our "online" hc/punk community ;-)

22nd of april, 2010.

Strong as Ten

Koenigstein Youth

petak, 25. lipnja 2010.

Lycanthrophy & Průmyslová Smrt 02.07. (petak/friday)

Češka je već svima poznata po totalno dobrim grind i fastcore bendovima kao što su, primjerice, Gride, Saywhy? i Sheeva Yoga. Slijedeći petak događa se jedan takav šou; naime, dolaze nam Průmyslová Smrt i Lycanthrophy, od kojih ni prvi ni drugi ne razumije pojam "mid-tempo". Klasično, upad je 20kn, rokenrol počinje u 21h, a neka veganska fudara čeka da ju pojedeš što brže možeš. Međutim, važno je istaknuti da će ovaj put biti vukodlaka, stoga svi vampiri fak of.
Posljednji gig u sezoni biti će ujedno i najbrži.

The Czech Republic is already known to everybody 'cause of its totally awesome grind & fastcore pantheon, e.g. Gride, Saywhy? and Sheeva Yoga. This is the kind of show that's happening next Friday, seeing as Průmyslová Smrt and Lycanthrophy are coming for a visit, two bands that definitely do not understand the term "mid-tempo". Classically, the entry fee is 20kn, the rock 'n' roll starts at 21h, and some vegan food patiently waits for you to eat it as fast as possible. However, it is important to emphasize that there will be werewolves this time, so all vampires fuck off.
The last gig of the season will be the fastest one.

02. 07. (petak/friday)

- Lycanthrophy (Vysocina, Czech Republic)

- Průmyslová Smrt (Jihlava, Czech Republic)

start: 21h
upad/entrance: 20kn

More videos from past two shows!

19th of june, JUNK MESSIAH & DEVASTATED @ podrum

23th of june, BEYOND PINK & BRIVIDO @ podrum

The last announcment (Lycanthrophy//Průmyslová Smrt show next friday!!!) for this really nice "season" will come shortly! More videos will come in july!


utorak, 15. lipnja 2010.

Beyond Pink & Brivido 23. 06. (srijeda/wednesday)

Slijedeći je na redu stopostotno djevojački bend, Beyond Pink, skupa s Brividom, skupinom lokalpatriota kojima još nije dopizdilo svirati u Podrumu.
Sve što o prvima znam je da dolaze iz Švedske, poprilično vole old skul hardkor pank i NE zvuče kao Infest. Imaju dvije gitare, iz čega čovjek nagonski zaključuje da sviraju nekakav progressive rock. Nedajte se zavarati - radi se o panku.
O Brividu mogu govoriti samo najljepše. Naime, jednome od njih dugujem pare. Šalu na stranu, to je moderna (čitaj: dinamična) hardkor pankčina s dvije gitaret'ne, a odnedavna i s ubitačnim bassom.
Usput, jeste li znali da je brancin na engleskom bass?

Next in line is a one-hundred-percent girl band, Beyond Pink, alongside Brivido, a group of localpatriots that still aren't bored with playing in Podrum.
All I know about the first band is that they come from Sweden, fairly enjoy old school hardcore punk, and that they DON'T sound like Infest. They employ two guitars, which is why one could instinctively conclude that they play some sort of progressive rock. Don't be fooled - it's all about punk.
I only have good things to tell about Brivido. This comes naturally, because I owe one of them money. Jokes aside, they create modern (read: dynamic) hardcore punk with two guitars, and, as of recently, a killer bass.
By the way, did you know that brancin is Croatian for bass.

23. 06. (srijeda/wednesday)

- BEYOND PINK (Malmö, Sweden)

- BRIVIDO (Biograd/Pula/Rijeka)

start: 21h
upad/entrance: 20kn

utorak, 8. lipnja 2010.

Junk Messiah & Devastated 19.6.2010. (subota/saturday)

Junk Messiah je garažni rokenrol bend nastao na relaciji Čakovec - Novi Marof - Sisak - Zagreb (ne šalim se, osim za garažni rock). Već su svirali u Podrumu, razočaravši apsolutno nikoga osim okorjelih krastera kojima je hardkor pank previše brz, čist ili veseo. Upravo iz tog razloga, Džankeri ovaj put pozornicu dijele s nešto mlađim bendom iz Ilirske Bistrice do grla uronjenim u starom, prljavom crustu: Devastated. Pank na stranu, bit će i hrane.
Gig počinje u 21h - kašnjenje je neoprostivo.

Junk Messiah is a garage rock 'n' roll band formed on the Čakovec - Novi Marof - Sisak - Zagreb relation (not joking, except for the garage rock part). They already played in Podrum, disappointing absolutely nobody except die-hard crusties who find hardcore punk too fast, clean, or happy. For this precise reason, this time the Junkies share the stage with a somewhat younger band from Ilirska Bistrica, submerged in old, dirty crust to their throats: Devastated. That said, there will also be food.
The gig starts at 21h - being late is unforgivable.

19.06. (subota / saturday) @ podrum

- JUNK MESSIAH (Čakovec/Novi Marof/Sisak/Zagreb)

- DEVASTATED (Ilirska Bistrica)

start: 21h
upad/entrance: 20kn

utorak, 1. lipnja 2010.

Some almost forgotten videos from april

+ new announcements for june will come ;-)

Show from 7th of april. Kazan, Ruins and YouFail!

utorak, 18. svibnja 2010.

Synth-heavy madness up next Tuesday

Za Balkan:
Ludilo u utorak: tri benda, od kojih je dvoje s djevojkama za mikrofonima, dok je jedan u potpunosti bez vokala. zOSCH! je donekle oldskul electropunk bend oformljen na relaciji Köln / Recklinghausen. Fast Arbeit Babies je bučan Strasburški bend sa sintisajzerom, bez distorzije. Posljedni bend, Monnocle, misteriozan je i čisto instrumentalan trio iz Le Mansa ili Strasbourga (ne zna se). U suštini, totalna pankčina.

Za Evropu:
Apparently, next Tuesday will be a fairly mad one, at least musically, seeing as we have three bands, two of them female-fronted, one of them instrumental. zOSCH! is a poppy, kind of new-wavish (as in the opposite of modern, actually) electropunk band from Köln / Recklinghausen, with melodic synths and catchy choruses sang by two girls. Fast Arbeit Babies is a somewhat funky, noisy, yet distortion-free punk band from Strasbourg, with, again, a girl on the vocals. At times, they remind of Melt-Banana with synths, but vocals set aside, I guess they're more along the lines of The Locust, An Albatross, etc. The last band, Monnocle, is a fairly mysterious, purely instrumental guitarbassdrums trio from either Le Mans or Strasbourg (I think). They're fairly punk as fuck in their approach, and I'd rather give them some sort of noise rock-relevant prefix than one of those classic "post-" ones.

25.05. tuesday (utorak) @ podrum

- zOSCH! (D)
- Fast Arbeit Babies (F)
- Monnocle (F)

start: 21h
(koncert počinje točno na vrijeme, tri su benda i moramo završiti do zadnjeg busa!!!)

entrance/upad: 20kn

srijeda, 12. svibnja 2010.

Next show - Ema Camelia!!!

Up next Tuesday: Ema Camelia; emoviolent, neocrusty punk from Kopřivnice in the Czech Republic.

18th of may (tuesday) @ Podrum (gig on


start: 22h
entrance: as usual, 20kn

P.S. Ema Camelia's 2006 album is freely downloadable at the Dead Space netlabel section:

P.P.S. - some more live videos from podrum will come soon!
see ya!

ponedjeljak, 3. svibnja 2010.

Dani Franko-DIS-fonije i panka u podrumu (07.05. - 08.05.)

Dani Franko-DIS-fonije i panka u podrumu uključuju dva giga: jedan se održava ovaj petak (7. svibnja), čudniji od dvojice, sa spektakularno bučnom thrash / math rock ekstravagancom iz neznanih dijelova francuske, dok je drugi, subotnji (8. svibnja), pravi pravcati hardkor pank gig koji će zasigurno spojiti sve rođene na relaciji Rijeka-Krško u jedan gargantuanski mošpit.
Warsawwasraw rade puno brze buke u powerviolence, odnosno, fastcore maniri; beskompromisno, s jako malo onih klasičnih sporih intervala. Epileptično thrashanje. John Makay je bend kakav Podrum do sada nije vidio - math rock duet samo takav, precizan i pedantan. (Ali sve je to pank.)
Final Approach svi već poznaju kao pozitivan harkor pank bend iz Krška, stoga ću kao opis samog pristupa samo citirati naslov pjesme, "This is Krško, not L.A." Društvo im radi Brivido, domaći / riječki bend nešto novijeg datuma, odnedavna s novim basistom, svojstvenim starosjediocem žestokog istarskog panka. Dinamično izvode modernu hardkorpank predstavu obogaćenu svakojakim duhovitim dosjetkama.

The Days of Franko-DIS-phonia and punk in Podrum include two gigs: one takes place this Friday (the 7th of May), the weirder of the two, with a spectacularly noisy thrash / math rock extravaganza from unknown parts of France, while the other one is at Saturday (the 8th of May), a proper hardcore punk gig that will surely unite everyone born on the Rijeka-Krško relation into a gargantuan mosh pit.
Warsawwasraw create a lot of fast noise in a powerviolence, that is, fastcore manner; without compromise, with very little of those boring slow intervals. Epileptic thrashing. John Makay is a band of a kind that Podrum hasn't seen till now - a math rock duo in their own right, precise and pedantic. (But it's all punk.)
Everyone already knows Final Approach as a positive hardcore punk band from Krško, Slovenia, so I'll just cite a songtitle as the description of the very approach, "This is Krško, not L.A." Brivido will give them company, a band from Rijeka of a somewhat newer date, since recently with a new bassist, a characteristic native of furious Istrian punk. They perform a dynamic modern hardcore punk show enriched by all kinds of humorous remarks.


07. 05. (petak / friday) @ podrum



start: 21h!!!
upad/entrance: 20kn


08. 05. (subota / saturday) @ podrum



start: 22h!!!
upad/entrance: 20kn


+++ GRAND PREDATEUR su otkazali ostatak turneje zbog bolesti jednog člana benda!
+++ GRAND PREDATEUR have cancelled the rest of their tour because of a sick bandmember!

srijeda, 14. travnja 2010.

Aaaaarrrrrghhhhhhh....Upcoming shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In a week from now we will continue with our DIY conspiracy at our shitty shithole!
Next thursday (22.04.) Koenigstein Youth and Strong as Ten from France will try to destroy the place up. For some of them this will be the first time in the Balkans, but some of you will remember a great show from the last august when thrashcore bastards Strong as Ten were here with Krapnek.

This time show starts at 10PM (but really 10PM!!!) so for those who have shitty jobs or some other duties you''ll come right on time;)

Nice vegan dinner will be served at 8PM as usual! come, you thrash, you go! Simple as that!

Just few days after "thrashy" show, next one will be on sunday (25th of this month!). For the third time our duo guests are La Casa Fantom from far north, Norway!!! Second band is Drip of Lies from Poland. Some of the members already played at the basement with The Fight and All Day Hell, so international conspiracy continues...

Gig will start one hour earlier (9pm sharp!!!) because it's sunday and people have work to do on the next day. Of course, for the fast ones, food will be served at 8PM, and yeah, small donations are very welcomed!

This time, entrance will be FREE!!!
See you downstairs;)

nedjelja, 4. travnja 2010.

Ruins // Kazan // Youfail! @ podrum (07.04.) - wednesday

You already know everything,
the place,
and the start.

From 8pm some dinner will be served.
at 9pm be downstairs:

- RUINS (Germany)
- KAZAN (France)
- YOUFAIL! (France)

PS - please don't be late, we have to start on time!

četvrtak, 1. travnja 2010.

Bolesno Grinje // Nulla Osta live @ drumchina

Bolesno Grinje @ podrum

Nulla Osta @ podrum

All Day Hell, Diskoiraa & Melete live videos will come in a few days!
See you next wednesday ;-)

nedjelja, 28. ožujka 2010.

31.03. (wednesday) - Melete // Diskoiraa // All Day Hell

As i was so occupied these days and didn't had a chance to write a critique for the last concert i promise i will make myself up in these next days, specially after such a nice show like Nulla Osta and Bolesno Grinje. There are also fresh videos waiting to be seen so be patient my friends and i promise you another whirlwind of silly punkyness.

So on bloody wednesday we have a special treat for you. Total count of three bands are gonna destroy whats worth the most :

Melete are from Slovenia. They played one show last year in PODRUM and it was quite intense experience. A well compact quartet which did numerous tours and right now they gonna hit the road again for the late spring. Expect neo crust or screamo influenced hc or what ever you like to call it. I can only say they destroy live.

All Day Hell are from Poland and they are here to deliver some powerfull hc crust which is maybe on one hand influenced by Portland scene and the whole sound developed after it and on the other, they have their own approach to whole thing and this should be interesting.

Diskoiraa is coming from a small Basque city called Zarautz. According to them they started with covers from Mob47 and Kaaos and after that started to play thier version of trash punk. I was in their sqaut this summer and it was fabalous.

All in all a diverse mixture of anarcho punk, and a healthy dose of d beat.

Start : 21 h
Entrance : 2o kn

+ some rice will be served for a donation... See ya in the pit.

Infoshop Škatula
Last FM

četvrtak, 4. ožujka 2010.

Bolesno Grinje // Nulla Osta @ Podrum

On friday the 19. we will finally witness the most devastating grindcore to be seen :) I mean Bolesno Grinje will rip you to shreds, make your ears bleed, and maybe you will even swallow some mites during the show. Also Nulla Osta will be playing. If you still don't know about them, they do dual bass hardcore punk distort. So far they did 5 european tours, visited Brasil. Don't know what else to say beside they played every dump on this part of the world.

With these two we will conclude visitation from Pula bands.
The entrance will be usual : 20 KN
Start is : 21 h

There will be vegan food for a small donation. Dj Bru je Tru will play some nice disco trash folk punk tunes, and what else can i say beside come in peace, get positively drunk and this will be the day we never forget :) See ya in the pit.

Last Fm event
Powered by Infoshop Škatula , Molekula

srijeda, 3. ožujka 2010.

A day in life of few Pula bands...

Friday the 26. was the day, Podrum was the place and boy it all went straight to hell that evening. I mean we did a lot of shows for a really nice amount of bands but Hijos Del Pueblo and Frekvencija had the fun floating. It was fishy day that friday and for our Pula comrades we decided to cook some nice vegetable with beans. Considering Rijeka now you can get three different dishes : beans, rice or pasta with vegetables. You can say that we are becoming professionals in DIY vegan punk kitchen.

Afternoon went good. Cooking was fun, we had few drinks then some fat bastards were rolled and you know the usual drill. Around 19 guys from Pula came, we get all the gear from the van and forced them to make everything ready for the sound check. :) People started to come. There was also like 7 bottles of Ukraine schnapps and vodka, so you can imagine amount of craziness in the living room beside the upcoming concert (Cheers to two beautiful persons for this). I also spotted some new faces which is totally cool since we lost some of our crowd from the beginnings of PODRUM. I was working on bar, Crustafari and Manager were at the entrance and show started with Frekvencija. They play really powerful yet melodic hardcore punk which is i think under influence of this pula punk sound. How can i describe that to a person who didn't listen to it? Well we kinda grew up on Fak Of Bolan, some on Kud Idijoti, AntiOtpad etc. Find these bands and you get the picture and mix that with a little bit of California melody, some socially aware lyrics and Frekvencija will rip you up with hits such as ˝ Čuvari reda i zakona ˝ :)

Hijos Del Pueblo played next. It is like a project between members from other bands (Nulla Osta, Homo Homini Lupus... ) . They play really powerfull hardcore influenced crust grind. Strong political themes are inside the songs, and for me currently they are one of the better punk bands in Croatia. For about 20 minutes we witnessed madness in the crowd, some diving in public, really funny and positive atmosphere with friendly pogo. Generally if every concert was like this, man it would be a blast.

I was returning to the bar at some point, and on the floor there was a lot of people still wanting to have party, so we took sound system from the basement and Dj Bru je Tru decided to put some good quality junk music which everyone likes so much. That was also crazy. I could later see myself raping on Killing in the name of, others were standing on the tables when folk songs come to play list, everybody with positive drinking attitude. So so nice...

And around 3 or 4 we shuted all down, did some beers and collapsed on the floor. Apparently i was kicking the Manager in the head so he couldn't sleep. Crustafari was into snoring, small Dubi was on the cardboard. Nice big happy family.

Boys and girls until next adventure, remember PODRUM is the law :)

Now i will continue with my daily depression...

Hijos del Pueblo @ podrum

Frekvencija @ p.o.d.r.u.m. 26.1.2010.

p.s. from now one every band will be filmed as a small document. Hope that's okay with all upcoming bands.

četvrtak, 25. veljače 2010.

Houdini live @ drumchina

HOUDINI @ p.o.d.r.u.m. Rijeka 30.1.2010.

So, here is the second part of live video from podrum.
Houdini, or what's left from them during their Europe tour.

utorak, 23. veljače 2010.

Homo Homini Lupus live video @ PODRUM - 30. 01. 2010.

While we are still waiting for more live videos, let's break some silence with HHL ;-)
See you on friday!

Homo Homini Lupus @ p.o.d.r.u.m. 30.1.2010.

četvrtak, 11. veljače 2010.

26. 02. Hijos Del Pueblo // Frekvencija

After really lovely concert on 30.1. we bring another explosive combination from the streets of Pula a city well known for being loud , proud and punk as fuck. According to everybody Homo Homini Lupus is still devastating discharged influneced grind machine and Houdini puted well show even though they had some troubles with line up on this tour. So for you this time we have :

- Hijos Del Pueblo : insane political crust grind with a lot of screaming

- Frekvencija : melodic but powerful hardcore punk

The entrance will be usual : 20KN
Start : 9pm and we do mean 21

Plus some extra good vegan beans for the best farting time ever. I mean you will get a shitload of shit for such a small price :) See you in the pit.

petak, 15. siječnja 2010.

Finally - a gig on the 30th of January (Saturday)!

Leki asked me to post the announcement for the very first 2010 gig, a potentially very awesome one, being all about grindcrust and post-punk. The last time I saw Homo Homini Lupus - ages ago, on the dead No Pasaran festival - they kicked ass. Other than that, I can't quite figure out why this blog is in English. But anyway, here's what Leki says:

Hi everyone... so here is the first announcement and first show for the new and already fucked up 2010.
Finally, the Homo Homini Lupus guys confirmed and they will play with Houdini, a post-punk band from Santiago, Chile. The show will start at around 9:30pm the latest so come a little bit earlier. Have in mind that in the future all the shows on working days will start right on time (with no exceptions!) so people can catch the last bus. So, please do not forget that!
During weekends, we can arrange something and shows can start a little bit later :-)

Also, some news for the near future. Unfortunately, our dear friends from Serbia, The Truth, canceled their little HR-SLO tour so they will not play on 22nd of february with local heroes Brivido. The show is postponed for early may and you will be first to know something about it.

So the last saturday of this month at the basement:



Start: 21h
Entrance: as usual, 20kn

P.S. - for those of you that will come around 8, there will be some nice vegan food for a small donation...
see you!