nedjelja, 28. ožujka 2010.

31.03. (wednesday) - Melete // Diskoiraa // All Day Hell

As i was so occupied these days and didn't had a chance to write a critique for the last concert i promise i will make myself up in these next days, specially after such a nice show like Nulla Osta and Bolesno Grinje. There are also fresh videos waiting to be seen so be patient my friends and i promise you another whirlwind of silly punkyness.

So on bloody wednesday we have a special treat for you. Total count of three bands are gonna destroy whats worth the most :

Melete are from Slovenia. They played one show last year in PODRUM and it was quite intense experience. A well compact quartet which did numerous tours and right now they gonna hit the road again for the late spring. Expect neo crust or screamo influenced hc or what ever you like to call it. I can only say they destroy live.

All Day Hell are from Poland and they are here to deliver some powerfull hc crust which is maybe on one hand influenced by Portland scene and the whole sound developed after it and on the other, they have their own approach to whole thing and this should be interesting.

Diskoiraa is coming from a small Basque city called Zarautz. According to them they started with covers from Mob47 and Kaaos and after that started to play thier version of trash punk. I was in their sqaut this summer and it was fabalous.

All in all a diverse mixture of anarcho punk, and a healthy dose of d beat.

Start : 21 h
Entrance : 2o kn

+ some rice will be served for a donation... See ya in the pit.

Infoshop Škatula
Last FM

četvrtak, 4. ožujka 2010.

Bolesno Grinje // Nulla Osta @ Podrum

On friday the 19. we will finally witness the most devastating grindcore to be seen :) I mean Bolesno Grinje will rip you to shreds, make your ears bleed, and maybe you will even swallow some mites during the show. Also Nulla Osta will be playing. If you still don't know about them, they do dual bass hardcore punk distort. So far they did 5 european tours, visited Brasil. Don't know what else to say beside they played every dump on this part of the world.

With these two we will conclude visitation from Pula bands.
The entrance will be usual : 20 KN
Start is : 21 h

There will be vegan food for a small donation. Dj Bru je Tru will play some nice disco trash folk punk tunes, and what else can i say beside come in peace, get positively drunk and this will be the day we never forget :) See ya in the pit.

Last Fm event
Powered by Infoshop Škatula , Molekula

srijeda, 3. ožujka 2010.

A day in life of few Pula bands...

Friday the 26. was the day, Podrum was the place and boy it all went straight to hell that evening. I mean we did a lot of shows for a really nice amount of bands but Hijos Del Pueblo and Frekvencija had the fun floating. It was fishy day that friday and for our Pula comrades we decided to cook some nice vegetable with beans. Considering Rijeka now you can get three different dishes : beans, rice or pasta with vegetables. You can say that we are becoming professionals in DIY vegan punk kitchen.

Afternoon went good. Cooking was fun, we had few drinks then some fat bastards were rolled and you know the usual drill. Around 19 guys from Pula came, we get all the gear from the van and forced them to make everything ready for the sound check. :) People started to come. There was also like 7 bottles of Ukraine schnapps and vodka, so you can imagine amount of craziness in the living room beside the upcoming concert (Cheers to two beautiful persons for this). I also spotted some new faces which is totally cool since we lost some of our crowd from the beginnings of PODRUM. I was working on bar, Crustafari and Manager were at the entrance and show started with Frekvencija. They play really powerful yet melodic hardcore punk which is i think under influence of this pula punk sound. How can i describe that to a person who didn't listen to it? Well we kinda grew up on Fak Of Bolan, some on Kud Idijoti, AntiOtpad etc. Find these bands and you get the picture and mix that with a little bit of California melody, some socially aware lyrics and Frekvencija will rip you up with hits such as ˝ Čuvari reda i zakona ˝ :)

Hijos Del Pueblo played next. It is like a project between members from other bands (Nulla Osta, Homo Homini Lupus... ) . They play really powerfull hardcore influenced crust grind. Strong political themes are inside the songs, and for me currently they are one of the better punk bands in Croatia. For about 20 minutes we witnessed madness in the crowd, some diving in public, really funny and positive atmosphere with friendly pogo. Generally if every concert was like this, man it would be a blast.

I was returning to the bar at some point, and on the floor there was a lot of people still wanting to have party, so we took sound system from the basement and Dj Bru je Tru decided to put some good quality junk music which everyone likes so much. That was also crazy. I could later see myself raping on Killing in the name of, others were standing on the tables when folk songs come to play list, everybody with positive drinking attitude. So so nice...

And around 3 or 4 we shuted all down, did some beers and collapsed on the floor. Apparently i was kicking the Manager in the head so he couldn't sleep. Crustafari was into snoring, small Dubi was on the cardboard. Nice big happy family.

Boys and girls until next adventure, remember PODRUM is the law :)

Now i will continue with my daily depression...

Hijos del Pueblo @ podrum

Frekvencija @ p.o.d.r.u.m. 26.1.2010.

p.s. from now one every band will be filmed as a small document. Hope that's okay with all upcoming bands.