petak, 25. lipnja 2010.

Lycanthrophy & Průmyslová Smrt 02.07. (petak/friday)

Češka je već svima poznata po totalno dobrim grind i fastcore bendovima kao što su, primjerice, Gride, Saywhy? i Sheeva Yoga. Slijedeći petak događa se jedan takav šou; naime, dolaze nam Průmyslová Smrt i Lycanthrophy, od kojih ni prvi ni drugi ne razumije pojam "mid-tempo". Klasično, upad je 20kn, rokenrol počinje u 21h, a neka veganska fudara čeka da ju pojedeš što brže možeš. Međutim, važno je istaknuti da će ovaj put biti vukodlaka, stoga svi vampiri fak of.
Posljednji gig u sezoni biti će ujedno i najbrži.

The Czech Republic is already known to everybody 'cause of its totally awesome grind & fastcore pantheon, e.g. Gride, Saywhy? and Sheeva Yoga. This is the kind of show that's happening next Friday, seeing as Průmyslová Smrt and Lycanthrophy are coming for a visit, two bands that definitely do not understand the term "mid-tempo". Classically, the entry fee is 20kn, the rock 'n' roll starts at 21h, and some vegan food patiently waits for you to eat it as fast as possible. However, it is important to emphasize that there will be werewolves this time, so all vampires fuck off.
The last gig of the season will be the fastest one.

02. 07. (petak/friday)

- Lycanthrophy (Vysocina, Czech Republic)

- Průmyslová Smrt (Jihlava, Czech Republic)

start: 21h
upad/entrance: 20kn

More videos from past two shows!

19th of june, JUNK MESSIAH & DEVASTATED @ podrum

23th of june, BEYOND PINK & BRIVIDO @ podrum

The last announcment (Lycanthrophy//Průmyslová Smrt show next friday!!!) for this really nice "season" will come shortly! More videos will come in july!


utorak, 15. lipnja 2010.

Beyond Pink & Brivido 23. 06. (srijeda/wednesday)

Slijedeći je na redu stopostotno djevojački bend, Beyond Pink, skupa s Brividom, skupinom lokalpatriota kojima još nije dopizdilo svirati u Podrumu.
Sve što o prvima znam je da dolaze iz Švedske, poprilično vole old skul hardkor pank i NE zvuče kao Infest. Imaju dvije gitare, iz čega čovjek nagonski zaključuje da sviraju nekakav progressive rock. Nedajte se zavarati - radi se o panku.
O Brividu mogu govoriti samo najljepše. Naime, jednome od njih dugujem pare. Šalu na stranu, to je moderna (čitaj: dinamična) hardkor pankčina s dvije gitaret'ne, a odnedavna i s ubitačnim bassom.
Usput, jeste li znali da je brancin na engleskom bass?

Next in line is a one-hundred-percent girl band, Beyond Pink, alongside Brivido, a group of localpatriots that still aren't bored with playing in Podrum.
All I know about the first band is that they come from Sweden, fairly enjoy old school hardcore punk, and that they DON'T sound like Infest. They employ two guitars, which is why one could instinctively conclude that they play some sort of progressive rock. Don't be fooled - it's all about punk.
I only have good things to tell about Brivido. This comes naturally, because I owe one of them money. Jokes aside, they create modern (read: dynamic) hardcore punk with two guitars, and, as of recently, a killer bass.
By the way, did you know that brancin is Croatian for bass.

23. 06. (srijeda/wednesday)

- BEYOND PINK (Malmö, Sweden)

- BRIVIDO (Biograd/Pula/Rijeka)

start: 21h
upad/entrance: 20kn

utorak, 8. lipnja 2010.

Junk Messiah & Devastated 19.6.2010. (subota/saturday)

Junk Messiah je garažni rokenrol bend nastao na relaciji Čakovec - Novi Marof - Sisak - Zagreb (ne šalim se, osim za garažni rock). Već su svirali u Podrumu, razočaravši apsolutno nikoga osim okorjelih krastera kojima je hardkor pank previše brz, čist ili veseo. Upravo iz tog razloga, Džankeri ovaj put pozornicu dijele s nešto mlađim bendom iz Ilirske Bistrice do grla uronjenim u starom, prljavom crustu: Devastated. Pank na stranu, bit će i hrane.
Gig počinje u 21h - kašnjenje je neoprostivo.

Junk Messiah is a garage rock 'n' roll band formed on the Čakovec - Novi Marof - Sisak - Zagreb relation (not joking, except for the garage rock part). They already played in Podrum, disappointing absolutely nobody except die-hard crusties who find hardcore punk too fast, clean, or happy. For this precise reason, this time the Junkies share the stage with a somewhat younger band from Ilirska Bistrica, submerged in old, dirty crust to their throats: Devastated. That said, there will also be food.
The gig starts at 21h - being late is unforgivable.

19.06. (subota / saturday) @ podrum

- JUNK MESSIAH (Čakovec/Novi Marof/Sisak/Zagreb)

- DEVASTATED (Ilirska Bistrica)

start: 21h
upad/entrance: 20kn

utorak, 1. lipnja 2010.

Some almost forgotten videos from april

+ new announcements for june will come ;-)

Show from 7th of april. Kazan, Ruins and YouFail!