utorak, 18. svibnja 2010.

Synth-heavy madness up next Tuesday

Za Balkan:
Ludilo u utorak: tri benda, od kojih je dvoje s djevojkama za mikrofonima, dok je jedan u potpunosti bez vokala. zOSCH! je donekle oldskul electropunk bend oformljen na relaciji Köln / Recklinghausen. Fast Arbeit Babies je bučan Strasburški bend sa sintisajzerom, bez distorzije. Posljedni bend, Monnocle, misteriozan je i čisto instrumentalan trio iz Le Mansa ili Strasbourga (ne zna se). U suštini, totalna pankčina.

Za Evropu:
Apparently, next Tuesday will be a fairly mad one, at least musically, seeing as we have three bands, two of them female-fronted, one of them instrumental. zOSCH! is a poppy, kind of new-wavish (as in the opposite of modern, actually) electropunk band from Köln / Recklinghausen, with melodic synths and catchy choruses sang by two girls. Fast Arbeit Babies is a somewhat funky, noisy, yet distortion-free punk band from Strasbourg, with, again, a girl on the vocals. At times, they remind of Melt-Banana with synths, but vocals set aside, I guess they're more along the lines of The Locust, An Albatross, etc. The last band, Monnocle, is a fairly mysterious, purely instrumental guitarbassdrums trio from either Le Mans or Strasbourg (I think). They're fairly punk as fuck in their approach, and I'd rather give them some sort of noise rock-relevant prefix than one of those classic "post-" ones.

25.05. tuesday (utorak) @ podrum

- zOSCH! (D)
- Fast Arbeit Babies (F)
- Monnocle (F)

start: 21h
(koncert počinje točno na vrijeme, tri su benda i moramo završiti do zadnjeg busa!!!)

entrance/upad: 20kn

srijeda, 12. svibnja 2010.

Next show - Ema Camelia!!!

Up next Tuesday: Ema Camelia; emoviolent, neocrusty punk from Kopřivnice in the Czech Republic.

18th of may (tuesday) @ Podrum (gig on last.fm)


start: 22h
entrance: as usual, 20kn

P.S. Ema Camelia's 2006 album is freely downloadable at the Dead Space netlabel section: http://www.dead-space.org/?tag=ema-camelia

P.P.S. - some more live videos from podrum will come soon!
see ya!

ponedjeljak, 3. svibnja 2010.

Dani Franko-DIS-fonije i panka u podrumu (07.05. - 08.05.)

Dani Franko-DIS-fonije i panka u podrumu uključuju dva giga: jedan se održava ovaj petak (7. svibnja), čudniji od dvojice, sa spektakularno bučnom thrash / math rock ekstravagancom iz neznanih dijelova francuske, dok je drugi, subotnji (8. svibnja), pravi pravcati hardkor pank gig koji će zasigurno spojiti sve rođene na relaciji Rijeka-Krško u jedan gargantuanski mošpit.
Warsawwasraw rade puno brze buke u powerviolence, odnosno, fastcore maniri; beskompromisno, s jako malo onih klasičnih sporih intervala. Epileptično thrashanje. John Makay je bend kakav Podrum do sada nije vidio - math rock duet samo takav, precizan i pedantan. (Ali sve je to pank.)
Final Approach svi već poznaju kao pozitivan harkor pank bend iz Krška, stoga ću kao opis samog pristupa samo citirati naslov pjesme, "This is Krško, not L.A." Društvo im radi Brivido, domaći / riječki bend nešto novijeg datuma, odnedavna s novim basistom, svojstvenim starosjediocem žestokog istarskog panka. Dinamično izvode modernu hardkorpank predstavu obogaćenu svakojakim duhovitim dosjetkama.

The Days of Franko-DIS-phonia and punk in Podrum include two gigs: one takes place this Friday (the 7th of May), the weirder of the two, with a spectacularly noisy thrash / math rock extravaganza from unknown parts of France, while the other one is at Saturday (the 8th of May), a proper hardcore punk gig that will surely unite everyone born on the Rijeka-Krško relation into a gargantuan mosh pit.
Warsawwasraw create a lot of fast noise in a powerviolence, that is, fastcore manner; without compromise, with very little of those boring slow intervals. Epileptic thrashing. John Makay is a band of a kind that Podrum hasn't seen till now - a math rock duo in their own right, precise and pedantic. (But it's all punk.)
Everyone already knows Final Approach as a positive hardcore punk band from Krško, Slovenia, so I'll just cite a songtitle as the description of the very approach, "This is Krško, not L.A." Brivido will give them company, a band from Rijeka of a somewhat newer date, since recently with a new bassist, a characteristic native of furious Istrian punk. They perform a dynamic modern hardcore punk show enriched by all kinds of humorous remarks.


07. 05. (petak / friday) @ podrum



start: 21h!!!
upad/entrance: 20kn


08. 05. (subota / saturday) @ podrum



start: 22h!!!
upad/entrance: 20kn


+++ GRAND PREDATEUR su otkazali ostatak turneje zbog bolesti jednog člana benda!
+++ GRAND PREDATEUR have cancelled the rest of their tour because of a sick bandmember!